*Generic text dependent questions speech bubbles. Three Phases; What does the text say, How does the text work, What does the test mean. CLOSE READING IS DEVELOPED AFTER INTENTIONAL AND MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS!
*Think marks for close reading bookmarks ( full color and black and white)
• Polar Bears close reading passage–> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Arctic fox close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Beluga Whale close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Caribou close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Moose close reading passage–> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Ermine close reading passage–> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Walrus close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Snowy Owl close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Lever close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Musk Ox close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.
• Narwhal close reading passage –> close read brochure with text dependent questions following the three phases of close reading.