This is a BUNDLE of my best selling word problems for K-2
This 123 page file includes all problem types required to be mastered by the end of the Kindergarten years per the Common Core Standards.
This Kindergarten word problems resource is a tool FULL of word problems for the whole year that includes:
*Cover Page
*Credits, policy, and seller info page
*Letter for Teacher
*How to use these word problems guide.
*Pictures of examples
*Math posters for classroom use
*Covers to be used if the teacher decides to make books (in color and black and white)
- 10 QR code problem solving mats
- 10 label, cut, and paste word problem solving mats
- 8 Numberless word problem solving mini-mats.
- 10 QR code problem solving mats
- 10 label, cut, and paste word problem solving mats
- 8 Numberless word problem solving mini-mats.
- 10 QR code problem solving mats
- 10 label, cut, and paste word problem solving mats
- 8 Numberless word problem solving mini-mats.
- 10 QR code problem solving mats
- 10 label, cut, and paste word problem solving mats
- 8 Numberless word problem solving mini-mats.
I developed this packet under two basic guiding principles:
•“We can classify word problems by focusing on the types of action or relationships described in the problems.”
•“For addition/subtraction problems, four basic classes of problems can be identified: Join, Separate, Part-Part-Whole, and Compare. The basic structure involving actions and relationships remains the same.”
In this resource you will find 4 C.G.I word problem types to teach your students. Each word problem type is presented in three formats:
•QR codes solving mats: In this format, students are given a word problem which they can scan and listen to, using the QR code on the top left corner. If you wish to use this feature, students will need an iPod, or old iPhone, or iPad, or tablet with a QR code reader app. If you don’t have a QR code reader yet, you may download this app from HERE.These mats contain a word problem, a space for students to draw their visualization of the problem. It could be with their own doodles or with any representation that you wish to teach them per your district guidelines. After they draw, students will be able to represent using a ten frame, a number line, and a number bond. The last step is the number sentence space. You should aim to teach the process and the discovery of relationships in word problems before students attempt to compute. This is a big issue that I see as students move in their schooling. They are drawn to compute (guessing actually) without UNDERSTANDING the word problem first.These mats can also be used in small groups, or project on your board for your whole group lessons!
•Cut and paste problem solving mats: This is a great hands-on approach that will help young learners see part – part – whole relationships while cutting and pasting the actual word problem! These mats could be used in small groups, independent work, assessment, or homework!
•Numberless word problems mini-mats: these mini-mats are a perfect addition if your students have math journals.If they don’t have math journals, they can still be used for small groups. Numberless word problems are used to teach students the relationships in word problems without numbers first.Initially, and with your help, students will read the problems without the numbers. Once they have understood what the problem is asking them, then you will fill in the gaps with numbers of your choice. Then, students represent using the ten frame, the number line, and the number bond.
I have also provided some examples to use as classroom posters if you need to!
In the past, I have put all the activities together in a big activity book that we use everyday throughout the school year as problem of the day, or during math centers, or during small groups.
Word Problems for First Grade.
This 131 page file includes ALL the CGI word problem types (addition and subtraction) that you need to cover for the WHOLE YEAR in first grade.
Why will you L*O*V*E this word problems for first grade pack?
This resource contains 131 one step Word Problems for first grade. The instructional materials in this product will allow you to use the word problems within the gradual release of responsibility model during your guided math block. They are ink friendly and low prep!
Having each problem type available, will allow you to show your students the relationships between the amounts in word problems. Students who learn to identify the structure and relationships in word problems will be more successful than those who don’t. This product offers ample practice within different formats.
They are perfect for small group instruction, extended independent practice, and intervention!
This is truly a year long resource!!
I wrote this blog post with anchor chart ideas and tons of great FREEBIES about word problems!
What is included in this product?
♦cover page
♦Credits and seller info
♦note to teacher
♦How to use this product info
♦How to use the bar model cut and paste mats
♦ADD TO- CHANGE UNKNOWN–> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦TAKE FROM- CHANGE UNKNOWN –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦PUT TOGETHER- TAKE APART BOTH ADDENDS UNKNOWN –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦COMPARE- DIFFERENCE UNKNOWN (HOW MANY MORE) –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦COMPARE- DIFFERENCE UNKNOWN (HOW MANY FEWER) –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦COMPARE- BIGGER UNKNOWN (MORE) –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
♦COMPARE- BIGGER UNKNOWN (FEWER) –> Anchor chart materials, 5 posters, 5 cut and paste bar model mats, 8 task cards and answer sheet.
These are ALL the word problems you and your students need to cover word problems in standards 2.OA.A.1 – 2.NBT.B.5 – 2.NBT.B.7 for the whole year in second grade.
Why will you L*O*V*E this word problems pack?
This word problems for 2nd grade pack contains 100+ word problems! This resource is extremely complete, and you will be set for the year! It not only provides you with the actual resource, but also with directions on how to teach the word problem types. The variety of problem types will allow you to model and teach your students the relationships between amounts, and therefore develop conceptual understanding. You can use the task cards for extended practice or for guided practice in small groups. This word problem 2nd grade pack is low prep, ink friendly, and will allow you to differentiate easily! A TIME SAVER!!
What is included in this product?
This 127 page file contains all word problem types to be mastered by the end of second grade per the Common Core Standards. I have created different word problems for each problem type in poster format, problem solving mat format, and task cards. I have also included anchor chart props for your whole group mini-lessons and direct modeling of problem solving strategies. They can be used for whole group mini-lessons, homework, math centers, math journals, assessment, homework or small groups during guided math.
This product includes these types of problems and these materials:
♦cover page
♦note to teacher
♦ Cover for binder
♦Add to {Start Unknown}: Props for anchor chart, 5 problems in poster format, 6 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
♦Take From {Start Unknown}:Props for anchor chart, 5 problems in poster format, 6 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
♦Compare – Smaller Unknown {Version with fewer}: Props for anchor chart, 5 problems in poster format, 6 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
♦Compare – Smaller Unknown {Version with more}: Props for anchor chart, 5 problems in poster format, 6 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
♦ Two-step story problems {same operation} –> Anchor chart idea, 6 problems in poster format, 10 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
♦ Two-step story problems {different operation} –> Anchor chart idea, 6 problems in poster format, 10 problem solving mats, task cards and answer sheet.
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